Brow Lamination is like a relaxer for the brow hairs and will redirect the natural texture & placement. This treatment gives you the look of symmetry, fullness, and definition. *Not recommended if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a thyroid condition. Results can be unpredictable.

Pre-Treatment: A consultation is required before booking a Lamination for the first time.

To prepare, do not touch your brows for at least 4 weeks (no waxing, tweezing, trimming, tinting). Stop using Retinols a week before and permanent cosmetics must be healed for at least 6 weeks.

For the first 48 hours post-treatment:

  • Avoid wetting the brow hairs the first 48 hours post treatment. This includes steam from showers, saunas, dishwashers, ovens, and any products. Reducing this exposure is recommended wherever possible.

  • Avoid touching brow hairs. Please try to leave them alone as much as possible.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face or on your side and avoid wearing an eye mask to sleep for at least 48 hours post treatment.

  • Avoid exfoliating the skin around the brow area for 48 hours.

  • Avoid using Retinols, Vitamin A, AHA’s, BHA’s, steroid creams or skin thinning treatments for at least 48 hours post treatment.

  • The use of a styling product and nourishing product is required to re-establish the position of the hairs after a Brow Lamination. Ask your service provider for a recommendation.

  • After wetting the brow hairs (after the initial 48 hours) it is necessary to gently brush them back into place. We provide a complimentary spoolie.


  • New growth will gradually change the shape of your Lamination over the 6-8 week period.

  • If you have a lot of new brows growing in, our Lamination may grow out faster.

  • If you use a growth serum, wait 48 hours then only apply every 2-3 days. Do not stop cold turkey and do not apply everyday.

  • Wait 8-10 weeks between appointments to avoid over processing and give your brows a break.